Safeguarding, Respect and Welfare
Keeping the game we love in check.
If you are worried about a child, it’s vital you report your concerns. Doing nothing is not an option. It’s also important you stay calm, and if any child is present, reassure them they are not to blame. But don’t make promises of confidentiality or outcome.
There are five ways to report a concern:
To your club (Neil Moss) or league Designated Safeguarding Officer (Kathy Porter)
To your County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer. Click here (Melanie Gill)
By emailing The FA Safeguarding Team at;
If urgent and you cannot contact your club, league or County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer, you should call the NSPCC 24-hour helpline on 0808 800 5000;
If it is an emergency because a child or children are at immediate risk, then call the Police or Children’s Social Care in your area.
If you are concerned that someone may be behaving inappropriately, or is seeking to groom a child in an online environment, then please use the CEOP reporting button that will take you directly to the team at the National Crime Agency. You should also inform your County FA (see list of contacts) or The FA via
To find out more please visit the FA page - Section 2 - reporting concerns.
Safeguarding and Welfare contacts
Neil Moss
(Worting Youth)
(Club Welfare Officer)
Neil is our club welfare officer and the person within our club with primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children and for putting into place procedures to safeguard children in the club.
As the club welfare officer Neil ensures essential safeguards are in place within our club. Ensures our safeguarding children policy, anti-bullying policy and equality policy are in place and adhered to;
Neil is also responsible for recruitment processes including the taking up of references and submitting FA CRB checks (getting the right people into the game).
If you have any concerns about a child or a vulnerable adult please contact Neil on the details below, or any of our contacts on this page.